i am about to
share another little part of my life. no, it has nothing to do with the fact that i have a problem with flatulence or that i have really bad breath in the morning. it also has nothing to do with me jumping into the arms of another person when i see a flying insect within close proximity.
i would like this opportunity to introduce the
smallest member in our family, and again no, i am not referring to my elder brother's _________ (fill in the blanks). enter
rufus (pronounced as roof-us),
a 5-year old english cocker spaniel, that is all 22 delightful pounds of cheek-pinching cuteness.

the m-shaped unibrow double as eyeshades when it comes to sleeping time.
cocker spaniels are known for being
faithful, quiet and
outgoing. they are social creatures that when excited, they tend to
not only wag their tail, but their entire fanny pack as well. rufus proves to be everything that they're not, save the last bit about that ass-grinding. instead, he ingratiates himself with whoever has food, or dangles something that looks like food, barks at the slightest drop of a pin, and slumbers through the rest of day, only to repeat the cycle mentioned above.
charming, isn't he?

a day in the life of rufus: shut-eye, hibernate, snooze.

finally awake, in a visibly sleepy attempt to trawl around for food.
but still, we adore you
ruffy!!! here's to you. >.<
wao... your rufus damn cute dude... not copycat la, i use wikipedia often as i am still a student currently~haha~just came back from work~ tired. ciao!
(rex) yeah, i ruff him to bits. and about the copycat thingy, hah, just kidding... ain't we all wikipedia junkies? >.<
your rufus is so adorable. =)
hahaha~ yea wikipedia rock man~ but can't use it too much since the information there can be change anytime by anyone. =)
maybe you can create your profile there as well~ hahaha~ idea?
Like father like son? No no in this case should be like owner like dog. :x
He looks so laid back but adorable. Ha ha ha.
(anonymous) thanks!!! but when he begs for food, it's quite another story. haha.
(rex) you're up early!
(kelson) it's actually my brother's doggie, just that he used to put up at our house. he's back at my brother's place, but will pop by once in a while.
I am not sleeping monster... haha~ I slept at 5am "buzz" up by my sis and my gf... for breakfast!? yoyo~ your blog popular man~ so many ppl reading hahahaha~ include me. (chat room?) hahaha~
hehe, at least you've got some effective morning calls. mine, which is the alarm clock, does nothing for me. i still sleep thru the time!
wow... u reply fast man~ haha~ i just post up yesterday thing~ here really look like chat room man. u stay bishan?
i shall take back the first sentance.
(rex) yeah, are we neighbours??
I stay TPY man. quite near. anyway. your blog hot sia. so many comments drop here. rocks dough!
how come rufus looks so tired and lazy ah?
(rex) actually, it was like a conversation chat between you and me. hehe.
(ptmd) that's how he always looks what, think it's the after effects.
nice chat dude~ haha... you seem like no working sia~ can keep reply our "conversation" style comments haha~ kinda boring tonight my workplace no guest man~!? woooo hooo~
yeah, playing mahjong and reading the blog at the same time. you are pretty free too eh!
yeah... i am super free today~ tomorrow onwards will change to "exam channel" man~ exam coming next fri but havent start prepare it. ewk~ later go b&j buy ice-cream~haha~
Always enjoy myself reading your blog & the chit chat here, remember to go out, breath & gym, my friend.
(rex) yeah!!!! i want chocolate chip cookie dough and new york fudge. thanks!
(dan (not naggy)) thanks for all the kind words and advice. it's always warming to see a familiar face here.
haha~ finally guest left!? now waiting for cleaner clean up this dirty place. Dempsey look so horribly dark now~ hahaha. we like the same flavor ice-cream dude!
cookie dough rox shit big time har!
Rufus looks cute. he looks young - don't look 5 at all.
sorry to ask this ... but what happ to snowy?
(anonymous) snowie has passed on, a dog no longer.
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