Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the entry about something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

all ye commitment-phobes and marriage-eschewers, be on the qui vive. if in any case you belong to this bracket(s), it's better to skedaddle off this entry. otherwise, fashion yourself under the mistletoe, for t'is the season to tie the knot.

it couldn't be farther from the truth in the case of my beloved cousin, jin, who becomes husband and wife in legal ceremony with her beau of 12 years. 12 years. 12 freaking years... that's longer than all the relationships combined i've endured in my entire life. now that's what i call fidelity.

let me digress a little first with some pictures of my nephew declan with the virtuosity of a winsome disposition, in preps for the wedding. obviously, bow-ties and pjs don't go hand in hand; it's just a dress rehearsal.

someone's got the morning grumps

finally letting up a little

now, on to the espousal proper. in the line of traditional chinese marriages, there's the usual brouhaha about collecting an auspicious red packet from the groom by the bridesmaid before being let into the bride's house, tea ceremony for the elders, and, well ... you know the routine. here's a pic of the bride, my cousin, doing her cheesy pose for the cam.

butterflies in the stomach? fret not. just wear a veil.

from left to right: mom, cousin jin, major celeb (yours truly), and groom isaac

the twin effect? not exactly. my elder but more handsome brother.

me twenty years down the road: my old man and i.

the evening soiree was held at sentosa cove's one degree fifteen. after a change of attire, fifteen glasses of chardonnay, and tons of handshakes with random inconsequential guests, i was beginning to warm up to the initially blasé event. anyone with a good liquor threshold should have joined me in my alcohol romp.

words of blessings written on the stones for the newlyweds.

cousin jin in her ravishing cheongsam, and me in my pseudo-tux outfit.

bow-tie meets bow-tie

chic sis-in-law, me, and my brother. judging from who's holding onto the handbag, it's a telling sign who wears the pants in the household. just kidding.. not!

a candid pic of declan with his bedroom eyes, looking all sorts of hilarious.

jin thinking: get on with the speech already...

anyone recalls the mocca advertisement? remember the muscled guy who beckons you to check out his pipes whilst flexing his bulging biceps? look below, it's mr. mocca!


Cubbawa said...

Finally, I was so looking forward to this entry! Your nephew is a gem! The bow tie worked for you ya?

Casting words on stones would only signify their strong bond. Good thinking there!

There might be hope for some us who still believe in the convenant of love between two people.

Thank you for sharing!

huiying said...

ahhh, i'm so in love with declan. hahaha. oh yeah, ur mum look young and u must have got ur genes from her. =)

iruffcookiedough said...

(cubbawa) you are such a sucker for love, i can tell. that's a telling sign, but it's good. and what's with the changing of the bloggy addy so often? i can't keep up.

(huiying) even if he's my nephew, somehow i see the resemblance between me and him more than between him and my brother. haha. do i look young?

tyc said...

you look good in this entry dessss.

iruffcookiedough said...

(tyc) thanks tyc. i purposefully dolled up for my cousin's day. =)

huiying said...

yes, definately u r. haha. i like the photo for "bow-tie meet bow-tie" and that's explain why declan resemblance u when i thought both of u are always ready for the camera. lol.

Cubbawa said...

Huh? the blog addy been the same wat... I only changed it once to cubbawa...

iruffcookiedough said...

(huiying) i just wish that he could be mine!! he's just that cute. now i am scouring for a surrogate.

(cubbawa) from babywannacum to babywannago to cubbawa, what's next in store? hehe

Cubbawa said...

Haha, wah you remember all the names ah?

chaos said...

jus went tru a few weddings as well, lotsa fun.. upcoming will be few baby bash...cnt wait to carry those little things :)

Btw luv the pic of u carrying Declan, so cute!!

jnkl said...

Des...your nephew is so chubby! hahaha

763092 said...

wow... What can i say...

i see nice pics, cute, gorgeous, pretty, young and happy people and moments through your photos.

nice entry =)

iruffcookiedough said...

(cubbawa) risque-ness and i go hand in hand very well, thus that explains the residual cognitive aptness of your previous blog names.

(chaos) yeah, he's definitely a gem when in my arms. though he doesn't really smile that much for the camera. training time!

(jnkl) he actually went on a low-carb, high-protein strict diet to help shave off the excess droopiness of his cheeks and you're telling him that still? you're gonna hurt his pride.

iruffcookiedough said...

(763092) it's a moment to commemorate and celebrate the happy moments in our short lives. what else could be more joyous than the binding of two kindred spirits?

chaos said...

can really see the resemblance, from the uncanny smiles both of you had in the same pic!!

jnkl said...

Opps..I'm sorry..well I didnt know..But anyway, he's still cute in everyway.... =)

Cubbawa said...

and that also explains our chemistry of late... =}

iruffcookiedough said...

(chaos) the uncanny, unnerving, unsettling smile. hehe

(jnk) just kidding!

(cubbawa) yup yup. agreed. =)

mundane_cremaster said...

Wow your elder brother looks like your younger brother @_@

iruffcookiedough said...

(mundane_cremaster) it's all thanks to the ceaseless sun tanning that has crinkled me up like a prematured geriatric. guess i have to slap on more moisturizer.

mundane_cremaster said...

No I think its just cos he's much fairer... Haha

Cubbawa said...

I beg to differ, I think you look younger... btw, love love love your blue jacket!

iruffcookiedough said...

(mundane) you made my day, thanks!

(cubbawa)it was from topman and i did some alteration to there.

Anonymous said...

when will it be your turn to get married! hahaha.

iruffcookiedough said...

(anon) when i've made my first 100 grand. that will be it then.

Anonymous said...

i thot u made more than a 100grand already?