Thursday, June 11, 2009

the entry after midnight

due to the lack of sleeping pills, i am back vegetating in front of my apple monitor with eyes wide open. i guess i will just have to rely on the wonders of staying awake in the wee hours of the morning till day breaks and a complete wave of lethargy overwhelms me before i could hit the sack. i always believed it to be a psychological thing and i could always cajole myself into slumber-land by whipping up "happy thoughts, nice things" in my head or counting sheep. or making myself a mug of frothy warm milk. or reading a book till my eyes glaze over because of the minute font size. or anything else. none of these prescribed methods work. i still need my pills!!

on a brighter note, i am starting to get back into the throes of work. witnessing how my bank account has shriveled to a measly four-figure sum is an apparent sign that i have been neglecting bringing in the dough. i am hoping my hard work will garner me some much needed cash to tide over this cash-strapped period. someone, anyone, break me a leg.

this is just random, but the word shriveled just reminded me of my junior college days. then, we had this ghastly teacher who taught us english and she was the epitome of what a loathsome creature a person could be. anyhoos, my friend and i were thinking of a word or two to succinctly describe her. both of us conjured up "shriveled prune" at the same time, spot on. it would be mere coincidence to say one single word together but to actually mouth two different words at the same time, well, let's just say that great minds think alike.

i bought this acrylic tumbler remake of a plastic disposable on a whim and little did i know that there was a boon that came along with the price tag. apparently, everytime you use the tumbler for your next order of espresso/machiatto/latte/americano/(the list could go on, but you get my drift) at starbucks, you get a fifty-cent rebate. i was tantalized and gratified. ain't shopping just great with the perks?!

save the earth & save some moolah at the same time


fufu said...

oh my budhha!! you still need pills? too bad i couldnt be there...and be your counselor ya... but anyhow, wish you could overcome it sooner XD

it's hard to find a like minded friends ya... but i am too lucky as i have nice travelling buddies, we think alike too :)

starbucks? good job... thta's why i always spend my time sipping the coffee at starbucks =p

Cubbawa said...

Wow, why didn't you say so? I have spare for you to pop ... But honestly, a good book will do...

Good to hear you are getting back to the swing of things! keep it up!! I am sure your followers will gladly support you on that...

Just take one step at a time and I'm sure you are well on your way to your Mecca of wealth and peace... Amen

iruffcookiedough said...

(fufu) we should sip our arabicas some time soon together after a hiatus.

(cubbawa) i could always do well with a strip of pills, haa, and a good book. hmm, one step at a time? i am racing up the stairs.

^^ said...

Even if you are racing up the stairs, you need to take breaks in between, no?

Then again, I too do that sometimes... haha... so I guess a good book won't do...

Anonymous said...

Hey, first time leaving comment here. Everytime I read you blog...I feel like grabbing a dictionary. haha... The only problem with that is I'm too lazy.

Anyway, night. Sleep well. hehe...

chaos said...

Oh no...your insomnia back agn? must take care even if working hard!!

And its really great to have frens who know u well enough to think alike like you, be it coincidence or not :)

iruffcookiedough said...

(beguenerick) true true, i am pausing during the weekends, haha. so that's kinda checking in with a breather already.

(anon) grab a dictionary? why bother? just go online to or google miriam for the uk version meaning of words, though they are likely to differ much.

(chaos) that could not be farther from the truth. friends really help out during the down phases of life.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...pills again? need about this..u wanna do this for the next 50 years? man, time to wean it off....

Cubbawa said...

GOOD for you dude ! :)

iruffcookiedough said...

(anon) not like i could help without it. not a choice, but sometimes during the inevitable, for eg. an early morning the following day, it's the only recourse.

(cubbawa) getting very active on blogging these days eh? ^^

峰 said...

Dude, maybe what you need is to really relax yourself. Sharing ur life with another person till ur eyelid turns heavy might be a way too...

Tk care yeah...

iruffcookiedough said...

(feng) hence the usage of this blog as an outage to share my life's trials and tribulations. =)

Anonymous said...

ah des,

i was back from karaoke this morning at 3am.
sudden had a thought u might not sleep yet at this hour ya and it is true loh !!!! wowwwwwwww omg !!!



Yeah, to a certain extend. Try blog hopping to couter sleepless time next time! :) Stay healthy and happy always!

Cubbawa said...

I concur !! :) hence my activeness of late ... right cookiedough?

Anonymous said...

still having the sleeping issue?:(

any chance to get advice from a doctor since you have tried many things but don’t work? Some time we need professional advice.

Agree with the Starbucks post. I am collecting the tumbler with different cities designed. So, I can add 1 more point: save the earth, save some moolah & collect the tumbler at the same time. ^o^

~no name~

SIYU said...



Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I find it hard to sleep sometimes too and I wake easily after just a few hours of rest.

But I have panda eyes to prove it which you dont. Which isnt fair! Can share your secrets to not having panda eyes pls?

new reader of your blog
-salty egg-