Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the entry four days into a resolution

update. it is day four and i am suffering from muscle sores now that my daily gym visits have been set in motion. i still notice the obtrusive paunch, but i can almost faintly visualize the top two abs muscle tiers when i suck in my gut hard enough. alas, the illusion lasts only as long as the duration i can hold my breath.

my diet has been giving me periodic food cravings, but i managed to successfully deny my palates any food that tasted guiltingly terrif. carb portions has been savagely cut to a quarter of my usual taking and all my meals are consumed before eight in the evening. the theory, according to my friends who have the worthier washboard abs, is that food consumed after that oft do not get enough time to be digested and thus gets stored as fats. i also imposed the no-snacking rule, whereupon if said ruling is flouted, moi puts a dollar into stay-off-the-fats piggy bank. current value of money-grubbing swine stands at zero dollars. more good news for me.

now all i have to do is to just persevere for another eighty-six more days of the grueling regime, stave off savory, unhealthy food and simply load up on un-delectable, nutritious nosh. sounds easy enough, only if it's in theory. in the meanwhile, i hope i do not collapse before that. all the way, carpe diem!


Rex said...

better keep your piggy bank zero dollar within these 86days! haha~ I am on track as well =)
Almost faint last night bcoz I cut my dinner since last friday XD

hope we can achieve what we HOPE!? yeah~ XD

Anonymous said...

i can see your determination. go all the way and show us what happens afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Wahaha! You can even incorporate finance stuff into your personal diet theory.

Looks all determined to kill the fats to regain glory. Persevere then and results hopefully would be out, soon? I now anticipate your progress towards your resolution as much as you do.

All the best! =)

Anonymous said...

des and rex, hope what you guys are doing now is training up yourself but not torturing yourself.

Don’t want to know that any of u fainted bcoz of over trained or starved. :(

take care.

~no name~

Anonymous said...

(rex) are you just going on a diet or you are working out as well? keep your intake coming in still, lest you really faint!

(tyc) will do, and thanks for the support!

(763092) i will definitely, and i will keep you posted on the progress. meanwhile, it's 1.22am and i am craving for some food......

(no name) thanks for the concern. join us!!!

Rex said...

erm...beside manage my meal I also workout at the same time. If not how can achieve my target eh... XD
I feel dizzy only bcoz still not use to it.But it's ok now =)

no name: thanks thanks~ will take care myself as well XD yeah~ you should join us! hahaha~

Anonymous said...

r u guys following a diet plan or creating your own diet?


iruffcookiedough said...

(rex) okok, hope all's well for you.

(lu) i don't exactly have a diet plan, just that whatever carb intake has to be cut down alot, and meals are taken in smaller portions but over many more servings.

Anonymous said...

des & rex,

yeah yeah, I am in the team already. :)

Try to avoid tidbit, carb and meat. Eat more fish & fruits instead.

Go gym at least 3 times a week. Do weight and cardio. Of course, I am not as aggressive as you. so I expected to see slow improvement.

~no name~

kOoKy pLuM said...

ah the things we do.... me included lol... jia you (is that how u write it? lol) u can do it!


Rex said...

you too des! haha~

lu: no plan at all~ just like des said minimize carb consume and workout routinely =) avoid greasy food!? KFC got promotion now eh... =(

no name: yoyoyo! XD

Anonymous said...

Haha! No food! If not all your effort will be wasted.

Follow your diet principle. =)

Anonymous said...

wa. it could be unhealthy this way wouldnt it? why not try following a diet plan instead? at least the nutrient level is maintain.


iruffcookiedough said...

(no name) why avoid meat? meat is high in proteins, which helps to repair muscle tissues, isn't it? or am i wrong even in this area?

(kooky plum) seize the day, and regret shall be nought. the vanity in us really makes us push our boundaries, doesn't it?

(763092) NO FOOD???!!! then starve???

(lu) i have a friend who has this "prawn mee" diet which was worked out for her by a dietician. accordingly, the chitosan in the broth plus other food regime for the rest of the day works for a fat-burning diet.

Anonymous said...

eh hmmm. uh???


Anonymous said...

MA you are not supposed to give my diet plans to others!!! &%!%#P&!^P!

Anonymous said...

I love your no-snack rule. Keep the piggy bank empty, man.

How about beer? I'm sure you will miss it.

Anonymous said...

Des, u are right, proteins helps to repair muscle tissues. I should only avoid eating deep fried meat like KFC. Oh… too bad, it is yummy.

~no name~

Anonymous said...

honestly, from what I could see, I think you already look fab and soon on the way to looking even yummier soon.

From the sound of it though, you might run the risk of overworking your bod soon, which will run counterproductive... Have to give the engine a rest once in a while but stick to your diet. ;P

Hmmm, you might wanna add some metabolism boosting foods to complement your diet in addition to the cuts?

Looking forward to your next post on the much anticipated progress.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey des,where did ur blog skin?or isit self created??

kOoKy pLuM said...

yes it does. vanity makes us do amazing things.lol. at least u got alot of ppl here who are in it together wit you. keep each other motivated!

Anonymous said...

keep drinking milk and soy bean products after gymming. dont eat after 8 cuz ure metabolism slows down at night. but remember to take 5 meals a day!

iruffcookiedough said...

(anonymous) pine sei, but i didn't disclose the rest of the diet to the rest. rest assured it's still safe with me.

(leo) yeah, i am beer guzzler. damn it, you had to remind me of it!!!!

(no name) the best protein source would be from blanched chicken breast. the problem with it is how long can you stick with such a bland diet routine.

iruffcookiedough said...

(mike) metabolism enchancing food? does coffee count?

(anonymous) i didn't really use any skin, it's actually just tweaking the background color to black, that's all.

(kooky plum) are you joining us? ;p

(anonymous2) square meals, i never could really understand what that meant when i read about those in books. anyways, i am taking four meals and already i feel bloated. i am not excited about squeezing in another portion.

Rex said...

welcome to iruffcookiedough fitness forum XD
*sad* today eat a piece of roti prata consume more than 2k calories today *guilty* should run 1200meter to consume half of it tomorrow..
5 meals really too much for me.. XD
morning salad, afternoon rice, evening salad/fruit + a portion of protein after workout.

"pine" sei? hahha~

Anonymous said...

des, thanks for the advice. Yes, u are right, fired chicken breast for sure is much yummy and attractive than blanched chicken breast.

Anyway, I will do my best. Let’s see the result in Dec.

rex, I like the idea of iruffcookiedough fitness forum. :)

~no name~

kOoKy pLuM said...

oh my god. this is a fitness forum. lol!

yeah all ready on the bandwagon. legs abit sore from running :(

we can do it. lol.

no pain no gain!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, from a comments post to a chatroom to a marketplace to the present fitness forum!
Anywayz, you are rite actually, coffee is one of those metabolism boosting foods. Though less the sugar and milk.

From my brief exploration into the academia of fitness, the best foods to increase your metabolism and help you lose weight are fish, dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, blueberries and other fruits.


Not that I am an authority on this though. Hahaha

iruffcookiedough said...

(rex) what? that's not a diet at all!!! roti prata?! what were you thinking?

p.s. "pine sei" is my version of "paiseh", learnt that from a friend.

(no name) haa, but i won't be forever blogging about fitness. from time to time, from time to time... =]

(kooky plum) just running only? nothing else? hehe. *taunt taunt*

(mike) noted. sorry for mistaking you to be a dwarf. my bad.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what gave that impression?
No probz, don't worry about it at all.

kOoKy pLuM said...

wei... i have to start somewhere rite? lol...

got la got do other things but i'm not gonna spill my fitness regime on the web hor lol.

iruffcookiedough fitness forum rox XD

Anonymous said...

des, i know. looking forward for your next blog. Have a nice weekend. :)

~no name~

Anonymous said...

I am starting next week on my diet plan. Hope that I can hold on to it. Like what u guys said no pain no gain butin this case should be no pain no loss (weight).....


iruffcookiedough said...

(kooky plum) the fitness forum shall be carried forward to the next new relevant entries. meanwhile, do leave any thoughts on fitness in this entry's comments section.

(no name) it's out already, though it has no continuity to this post.

(bryan) end of year parties are beckoning... =]

Anonymous said...

des and all the no name guys: you need sauces to liven up the blanched chicken breasts. try lemon juice with chopped dill, rosemary and thyme, bonito flakes in mirin and soy sauce, organic honey dijon mustard, cranberry sauce, mango and tomato chutney, white wine reduction, or jap soy sauce with flaxseed oil and sesame seeds. these can be prepared in advance and kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.