partisan in baby-fest leads to prattling in puerile baby language and perpetual camera clicks. in a single day, i was invited to two baby showings, if that's what i think you'd call it. my cousin's newborn, shanel (pronounced as bag mogul chanel), has just turned a month old. hopelessly bored stiff with her confinement in situ, she decided to throw a small gathering in honor of that and gave us first dibs on how shanel's blossoming already into a damsel at thirty days old.

utter revulsion after finding out mitts aren't 300 thread count egyptian cotton.

i couldn't help giving it a shot but i am pretty sure i totally rocked the father role, as evidenced by my adeptness at baby-carry. note the nurturing stance.

rigor mortis beckons with valiant attempts at baby-lugging

silence .... finally sound asleep
in the afternoon, it was a stopover at the local kandang kerbau hospital where my other cousin lays exhausted at one of the many wards. having endured five hours of intense, breath-stopping labour, her newborn arrives, enveloped in a snug, blue blanket. by default of gender-defining color, i deduced newborn to be male. name of little one could not be procured as of blog time however.

i just can't wait for my sister-in-law to join the bandwagon and pop baby d out. oh well, one more month, and counting...