if it's anything, it's been an
extremely busy day that i was almost short of
dying from breathlessness. but i only have my own idiocy to admonish for addressing less pressing issues together with the more pivotal ones. the house was on fire and yet, i was worried about the kitchen sink. nonetheless, other than
verging on asphyxiation, it has indeed been a rewarding day.
they say the eyes are the windows to a person's soul, but to me, a winsome smile is the way to prevail upon a person's heart. being called gap toothed or madonna-esque isn't exactly complimentary, though some might disagree. "keep it", some of my friends remarked, "that's the unique thing about you". i beg to differ. if you guys hadn't noticed thus far, here's how bad my gap-tooth predicament is:

my unsightly, huge niche for morsel reservations
after much contemplation and sourcing around for cut-rate, quality dental service, i finally decided upon valley point dental clinic @ valley point to fill in the blanks, literally. the dentist in charge was doctor ashim dutt, and he explained the procedure carefully, which was termed composite bonding. basically, the approach was to smoothen out the edges and fill the cavity with a tough, synthetic resin. the resin is impregnated with inorganic fillers and matches the shade and color of the teeth. the entire procedure was a laborious hour effort but thankfully, he was extremely meticulous to ensure that the end result was exactly what i had expected. if any of you guys need cosmetic dental surgeries, do look him up. seriously.

doctor dutt (pronounced as "dud"), the dude

the ever congenial nurse mas

using a dental saw to smoothen the edges before using the fillers

cramming more dental equipment into my almost gagging mouth.
carrying on...on 12th dec 2008, i committed the cardinal sin of utmost tackiness. andy lau was in town for his asia leg tour and being offered free tickets, i decided to give it a shot with acute circumspect. i guess going to an event with no/low expectations has its fair share of benefits after all. the singing veteran turned out a good performance instead.
thumbs up to andy for making a concert with most of the songs unfamiliar to me a very intimate and entertaining affair. the entire set was tight and elaborate with a lot of emphasis placed on choreography and stages props. this, coming from someone who didn't have a dancing background (according to my friend barbara), completely bowled me over. of course, the cursed fans shouting through the roof certainly helped wrecked my hearing.

choc-a-bloc fillings and cyalume galore

a little s&m action: andy lifted up with quaint robes.

a music video of andy in his heydays.

confetti factory meets chang-e's

an enthusiastic fan with light sticks in tow

countdown to encore

the two extremely adorable mascots that turned up
during the encore, coupled with helium voices

so much fun that andy decided to join in the bandwagon
after the much better than anticipated concert, i made a mad dash for the exit to the next venue for a friend's birthday party. happy early thirties birthday, willie! thanks for the great time and the alcohol. the following is a tribute to you.

guess who's the birthday boy and who's the playboy?

now you know the who's who.

tongue-and-cheek: the ever effervescent, ethereal x-tin
liking truffles much? look up julius the truffles maestro

the new macdonald's spokesperson: mr. pierre goh

more party folks.

the man who can't be seen

mr. incognito and i peering into some zany crystal ball.

a little more cam-whoring.
nights out. see you guys at zoukout 2008, part-ee on!!