Tuesday, October 19, 2010

the entry about a second coming

every family has that one person that keeps the genealogy in check -- and that's my brother. in no less than two years, he has my sister-in-law knocked up twice. if these statistics were extrapolated, i'd be having a dozen nephews and nieces in ten more years!

so, baby niece danielle was celebrated in no less of a big way like her elder brother declan was a year ago. she was deigned to be celebrated in an affair of a "baby shower" during her one-month old of existence.

for the uninitiated, "baby shower" is a singaporean euphemism for something supercilious and unpleasant involving young parents showboating their infant decked in branded baby overalls and cushy strollers, soiled diapers and incessant loud-pitched bawling. anyhows, this particular "baby shower" was held at a tea reception at swissôtel, a reaffirming tribute to illustrate how much parents would pay through their nose to baby-off each other.

she's beautiful, isn't she?

declan with his woo-hoo wavy, superman-esque hairdo

did i forget to mention that this was a christening session for danielle too?

declan wanting to bless his sister too.

she looks pretty precious and all, and i can't wait for her to mumble her first words, which technically should be uncle des, but in the meanwhile, i'm still besotted with declan like a g6.


fufu said...

lol uncle des!

tyc said...


Anonymous said...


~no name~

Anonymous said...

declan is soo cute!

Unknown said...

Baby danielle is way too cute! :)