we spend our whole lives worrying about the future, planning it, but at some point, you start to realise, your life is happening now. not after your next fat paycheck. not after your next promotion. it's happening right now. this is it. it's here. blink, and you will miss it.
the future is the home of our deepest abject fears, but yet it also houses our wildest hopes. yet one thing is certain: when it finally reveals itself, the future, is never the way we imagined it. for better or for worse, cest la vie.
so today, i stood in the wind, carefree, and let it run through my skin and hair. it's just one of those impossibly little quirks i have amassed, like staring into the vast openness of the night sky or listening to the ebbs and flows of the waves. the solidarity, thoughts awash with nothing and simply taking in the esoteric beauty of it all. the leaves, roused up in cyclical patterns, as they make gentle ruffling sounds. a harmless vortex. and for a moment, for that moment, nothing else really matters so much after all. not the workload, not any stressors or pressures of life. the wind helps me unwind.
i need to stand more in the wind.