it couldn't be farther from the truth in the case of my beloved cousin, jin, who becomes husband and wife in legal ceremony with her beau of 12 years. 12 years. 12 freaking years... that's longer than all the relationships combined i've endured in my entire life. now that's what i call fidelity.
let me digress a little first with some pictures of my nephew declan with the virtuosity of a winsome disposition, in preps for the wedding. obviously, bow-ties and pjs don't go hand in hand; it's just a dress rehearsal.

someone's got the morning grumps

finally letting up a little
now, on to the espousal proper. in the line of traditional chinese marriages, there's the usual brouhaha about collecting an auspicious red packet from the groom by the bridesmaid before being let into the bride's house, tea ceremony for the elders, and, well ... you know the routine. here's a pic of the bride, my cousin, doing her cheesy pose for the cam.

butterflies in the stomach? fret not. just wear a veil.

from left to right: mom, cousin jin, major celeb (yours truly), and groom isaac

the twin effect? not exactly. my elder but more handsome brother.

me twenty years down the road: my old man and i.

the evening soiree was held at sentosa cove's one degree fifteen. after a change of attire, fifteen glasses of chardonnay, and tons of handshakes with random inconsequential guests, i was beginning to warm up to the initially blasé event. anyone with a good liquor threshold should have joined me in my alcohol romp.

words of blessings written on the stones for the newlyweds.

cousin jin in her ravishing cheongsam, and me in my pseudo-tux outfit.

bow-tie meets bow-tie

chic sis-in-law, me, and my brother. judging from who's holding onto the handbag, it's a telling sign who wears the pants in the household. just kidding.. not!

a candid pic of declan with his bedroom eyes, looking all sorts of hilarious.

jin thinking: get on with the speech already...
anyone recalls the mocca advertisement? remember the muscled guy who beckons you to check out his pipes whilst flexing his bulging biceps? look below, it's mr. mocca!