i've been moping around doing anything other than work too much it's disgusting. being on the ball during office hours is one thing, but practically thwarting my
gym sessions and thus, throwing caution to the wind about my nonetheless expanding waistline, and virtually
flat-lining my blogging activities is quite another.
gone are the party-boy days; behold, herald the incoming workaholic.
so, anyways, i've decided to take some time off my 24/7 business-as-usual dogma of a spiel, and spend some quality me-time with the puma folks in upstart fashion city, kuala lumpur. if you know your sports apparel well, you'd be in the loop about puma's crazy-ass of a world campaign called "create your own style". what it entails is essentially this: randomly grabbing folks off the streets and getting them to pen their ingenious creativity about puma onto a white board and pose a picture with it.

this way to budget-ville

prepping up for a fiery year of the tiger 2010.
suffice to say, i was put up at the millennium grand hotel, albeit being hoisted via the
third-class-meets-cargo-friendly airline. it was an atrociously short shuttle between the two cities (singapore and kuala lumpur), but the journey from the airport to town was so unbearably long it lulled me into a deep slumber.

by the time i arrived, it was a little past midnight, and no sooner i had checked in, i slipped on my eyeshades and knocked myself out.
so much for day one of sabbatical.
the next morning, it was meeting with some of the regional celebs who would be gracing the event the following evening. first on the list: the doyenne of asia models aka leon lai's wife, gayle lai. a phalanx of people, otherwise known as the entourage, or unceremoniously known as nannies, surrounded her whenever she went. well, or at least for the first fifteen minutes.
then, there was the up-and-rising taiwanese star eddie peng. you might think he's your typical poster-calibre, mega-watt grin, sunshine boy-next-door, but he's so much more than that. it was an awesome time hanging out with him, we drank some awesome beer (well, i drank), and soaked up in each others' awesomeness. here's pictures:

third from left: doe-eyed gayle

me with puma marketing manager gabriel

good things come in small packages, nicole

last look at meself before my locks get chopped off by the banger of a prepubescent stylist

me and the ever efferverscent eddie

day three was pretty unfortunate for me. with half my follicles snipped off (no thanks to the stylist at spa@esprit; seems like a trim and a cut was just a fine line she couldn't distinguish), i was too busy speed-running through the day's itinerary to get a more representative example of the event per se. anyway, this is how i spent my day. in eyelet 'n' denim pieces, muted grey dukes, preppy yellow-meets-blue tie. blogging, photog-ing, posin' a grin. dignified-like. expect little photos of me showing bald-pate-esque hair.

get that guy out of the concrete already.

the one and only picture i took of myself during the event. i hate my hair!

supper with pal sk low before calling it a night.