sweet jesus. subterfugated by my own world-class indolence and last-minute decisions, it has led to me appearing at a festival festooned with cartoon characters and creepy monsters like this:

a semi-decent, pseudo shanghai-looking boy.
the rest of my cronies had themed themselves as greek gods, warriors and and the likes of the greek mythos. my entire get up was such a palin-fiasco that i decided to break out of the mould and just appear as myself. nevertheless, it was great fun meeting caricatures and creatures alike.

erm, the strawberry shortcakes?

poor girl's mask is still not completely dry

wanted for being totally cop-hot.

sherlyn is one hot mama in her ghetto get-up

the demure essence of the ladies

some girl-on-girl crime

yeah, but no, but yeah, vicky pollard!!!

having a taste of what a bloodied hand is like
let me just say this off the record, but does anyone find that crystal from survivor: gabon is the most useless castaway ever in survivor history?
colorful eh... I like your t-shirt!? haha.. but not suit me i think. =p
party night!?!?!?
I think crystal from the survivor IS the most useless castaway leh.
I think she relies on a fact that she was a famous ice-skater?
I also think that she doesn't even try to do some challenges
No, she's the most entertaining player left. The way she plays the game and honours her alliance with Kenny. Kenny and her will go far, they are just unlucky that they always loses challenges. No doubt at times it is her fault that they lose, but she has always given her very best to the game, to show that she cares and wants to stay alive.
Nobody can blame Ace and Marcus for being blindsided. This game is about Outwitting, Outplaying and Outlasting. I think you're being unfair to Crystal stating that she's the most useless Survivor EVER when there are people just in this season, like Gillian, Kelly and even Susie who's even more of a joke than her.
And not to even forget past seasons where James got voted off even with 2 hidden immunity idols, Jason and Ozzy also chose not to use their idol. Erik from last season even chose to give his immunity necklace away. There are even more dumber, useless and stupid survivor in history and therefore Crystal's far way better than them.. when she and Ken has been to so many TCs but they are still around.
But still, an opinion is still an opinion and i can't change your opinion, but really - Crystal isn't that bad. You'll find out more when this season unfolds.
@ above: full analysis
I hate crystal for the fact that she's always the one who gave up first in every challenge.
anyway. ppl do have their own limitation to every task =)
survivor is still going on? lol.
yes i live under a rock.
i tot your style is ZHONG GUO FENG!! hahaa.... anyway just came to say i wanna play mahjong!! nobody wants to play with me ley. so sad.......... SLAP!! Anonymous V
BOO!!! Finally i left u a comment.. and why dun dress up for ur halloween? haha. Wondering how r u lo...=/
desmond ur dressing style is improving..with influence
the bloodied hand really scaring me....
(rex) kinda of a party night.. you're back. meaning exams are over?
(z) she isn't a skater, but she's some olympic winner, but she said she's never ever gonna disclose it in case the rest would view her as a strong competitor, which she never proved to be the case.
(anonymous) different cut different strokes. i think she thinks she's smart, but kenny's the one with the brains. she fiercely loyal to him, but that doesn't mean she can outwit, outplay or outlast. for sure, she might possibly end up the final two with kenny, but surely she would never, in the most possible way, ever win.
(z) i totally agree with you, every challenge she's always the first to give up, like in the first challenge, she was the last to run up the hill, and for a olympic champion, that doesn't really speak volumes.
(kp) yes, but i feel the previous season (fans vs favorites) was one of the best ever.
(anonymous) are you a good player? if yes, then no, you're not invited. haha
(baldovin) i did dress up, the shanghai boy, but not a successful one, that's why i decided to change out of it. am doing good, yourself?
(anonymous) thanks? hopefully it will get even better.
(marcus emmanuel) quite authentic, wasn't it?
yeah... exam over for this term! next will be come after dec. =)
I have a week holidays now! yeah..
going back to malaysia climbing and go KL for Nandos chicken!?! wanna join? hahah
I got a feelin' that crystal is "acting" weak till the merger and the individual immunity is up for grabs... Duno. just a guess cos i simply cant believe that she's an olympic gold medalist and that weak.
come on come on and let me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
miss miss!!
(rex) i super lurrrve nandos!!! can you buy back the super spicy with lemon flavour one for me????
(anonymous) i got this feeling too, but the problem is that during those individual interviews from time to time, she didn't reveal that this was her strategy. maybe she did, and the editors cut that out, making her look like a big fool, or she just didn't say it out at all, cos she's just probably weak after all.
(ptmd) Cause you're hot then you're cold, You're yes then you're no. You're in then you're out. You're up then you're down. You're wrong when it's right. It's black and it's white. We fight, we break up. We kiss, we make up.
double miss!!!!
Kiss kiss gonna tell you right now
I'll make it sweet on the lips as it can knock you out
Hold on
It keeps gettin' better!
anw yeaah crystal is pretty fuck up,and i dont think she should tell the rest abt the olympics thingy,cus it will just embarrass her further.
oh ya,ur word verification thingy is kinda irritating leh,get rid of it!
oh you love Nandos too? how I going to bring it here? can't bring meat product le.. I check with ICA then see how. If can bring, sure bring you one back =) hahaha~
ME... well started work le.. on my attachment..=D
hmm u free do drop by there and eat. =)
Cuppage Terrace area.. =) hmm restaurant, will tell u in sms ba..=] coz dunno will u come dwn oso...
(russ) for you, i will get rid of the word verifcation thingy lah. cos you told me told me!!!
(rex) if you would be nice enough, thanks and appreciate it much! thanks!!!
(baldovin) sms me and i will give you a surprise. do you want me to do a review of it as well?
ohla~ I think probably ok to bring one processed food into singapore.. I will go KL this thursday for that chicken! hahaha! buzz u if i successfully bring the chicken back to singapore XD.
bald: cuppage terrace cafe area??? near my sch eh! any nice restaurant recommend? XD
(Des) ok i will sms u.. haha, u can do a review oso..=D
(rex) hmm.. that area, u can try my restaurant la..=D if not u can go Bobbys, it seems vry nice..=D but den come to my restaurant la.. coz hor can improve e sales... coz sales there is poor due to tat area being new...=(
bald: I dunno which one is your restaurant le~ hahaha~ got discount not? suggest your manager give discount for my campus management staff! they all like monster, always hawk for new and nice food! haha
(Rex) me not Bald la...=/ hmm is Bal...=) hehe... err... i dun wanna leave e name here...if not ah.. i will die lor.. but anyway i told des abt it..=) so u can ask him ok? haha. Coz if i put here.. scared no peace lo, later my colleagues know me aj lor..=x
baldovin: forget about asking desmond to do review. he'll just say it's "nice" or "quite good".
update le des...
Baldovin: type full name better? haha... I am going to school tomorrow anyway~ go see see. haha~ send me in facebook then. =p
frequentflyerkev: try to give him NANDOS, maybe u will got different answer. haha =D
(frequentflyerkev) hey i've got more description words than just nice or quite good. there's like delicious, and great and good. is that better?
(rex & anonymous) will update soon, but will be taking a break this week. sorry folks.
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