well, this birthdaytestant, a.k.a yours truly, had the honor of having a surprise party thrown for me (major thanks eric!). and it was a swell time of merrymaking and jollification with my cronies who made it to the party, although the initial done-to-death "surprise!" greeting by party guests with me blindfolded sent me positively reeling; i'm never much one for clichés.
at the surprise birthday party, i was wearing a design inspirational of a hamburglar costume. as anyone can attest, i looked a little out of place, considering the venue being al fresco et al, and me donning on layers -- curse you, tropical climate!
it was a tacit misogynist soiree, judging by the number of female guests who turned up. i am guessing the birthday planner didn't want to run the risk of emaciated lassies raining on my parade. other than that, everyone was unmistakably beaming and gushing about the multi-tiered cake made of cupcakes. my god, people. i was swamped with swigs of alcohol left and right i swore i was experiencing triple vision.
a surprise party, numerous birthday wishes and one too many drinks later, the proceedings of the party was adjourned to mimolette, which by then i was so stoned out with champs i was practically doing the zombie club stroll. but what a day it was! happy me thirty-one day!
surf's up!

orgy-fest of party folks

patrick, thrueno, sebastian & louis

ben & i, and some others in hindsight

the party's never complete without gabriel, ben, jem & of course duncan

bestie ray and his trusty heineken

the ethereal sisters, lisa and june, in tow

my business partner and nonetheless buddy kevin a.k.a tw

not forgetting dear eric, who made this event an event.

and our official photographer, tj, kudos!

the intricate birthday cake that was made up of entirely cupcakes and little booklets ...

... that had pictures and words in it too!

ever the bashful me, hogging the spotlight

thanks to the skillful folks, pauline and husband, who made the cake.

the colorful gin gang. to many more years!