Wednesday, May 5, 2010

the entry of ecstatic aesthetics

know this: the area within the vicinity of my lips has become a treasure trove of pustular breakouts and whiteheads, creating the illusion of a white moustache all fuckin around. it is times like this that you really appreciate infomercials peddling products like proactiv. any takers on that?

speaking of which, i'm a freaking vain shitez, it's crazy. i am constantly purveying new skincare products that guarantees to be the creme de la creme, as though my already bursting arsenal of products i've procured isn't enough to begin with; i could practically do different permutations of skincare regimes.

this pro-epidermis attitude had me swiping a few items off the counter at the malls today just because they, according to the persuasive salesgirl, were "good for the skin". i racked these up in a matter of exactly under 30 mins (and i'm praying they take even shorter to work their magic):

my new facial routine, clockwise from left: lab series age-less face cream, a daily moisturizer that erases the signs of aging, peter thomas roth glycolic acid hydrating gel, a mild exfoliant to clarify lifeless skin tones, peter thomas roth hyaluronic acid, a must-buy serum that attracts moisture to the skin up to 1000 times its own weight, and ole henriksen lift eye gel for tired, insipid eyes like yours truly.

on other news, i did a little brow-threading at browhaus, and it was a total disaster. the folks decided to administer a perpetually surprised look for me that i'm looking a little k.d.lang-ish, and i totally can't rock the andro look. i am a disgruntled customer, so no pictures of me furtively hiding my face. man, i feel emasculated.


fufu said...

sign of ageing? omg... i can sense it now... though everyone say i look younger... damn i have no money to buy those stuff... just make myself chinese herbal soup every week =p btw you look totally alright!! gotta follow your facial routine when i have finished my studies here :D

Anonymous said...

next time do the eyebrows yourself! just get those eyebrows razor from watsons. :)

iruffcookiedough said...

(fufu) hey fufu, what you really need is a break from all the holiday breaks! envious of your itinerary. where are you off to next?

(anon) yeah, trust the pros to do a good job, it only just makes it worse.

Anonymous said...

but i like k d lang!


Anonymous said...

this is jomar haspela. can't leave you a message in fb. :) happy birthday again!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

hmmm i reckon the main reason for ur recent outbreak of adverse skin condition is solely due to the protein shakes and supplements u are taking.

solution :

- reduce amt or totally cut off

- increase or double ur fluid intake esp. water

trust me. it will work.

Anonymous said...

ah des,

can i get these as yr bird day's gift too?


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday.

~no name~

Anonymous said...

update more!

iruffcookiedough said...

(tw) do you even know ten of her/his songs?

(anon1) thanks man!

(jomar haspela) thanks yeah, holler back at yeah!

iruffcookiedough said...

(anon1) your advise is seriously considered. will definitely look into more fluids. fruits and liquids!

(km) nah, it's alright. don't waste your woney money. but thanks for the thought!

(no name) thanks no name!

iruffcookiedough said...

(anon2) the next entry is up. ^^

Anonymous said...

ah des,
okie i save the $$ to get u a bird-day meal ya :P

Anonymous said...

hey much are those stuff??
list out for me tq...


kristianm said...

Where do you buy those Peter Thomas and Ole Henriksen stuffs?