Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the entry of hovel lockdowns

it was a traumatic one month for my favorite aunt, what with her cancer diagnosis and a major operation to remove the tumor. the fact that she is in her sixties and her being borderline corpulent didn't really help matters as well. thankfully, after the operation, the doctors informed us the cancerous cells have not spread beyond the locale and her condition has stabilised. no chemo!

being the devoted nephew, i offered her my room for a post-hospitalization luxury-esque recovery (it was a nice gesture, at least i thought so). thus i'm relegated to a pitstop makeshift hovel in the living room. life, as i know it, just went one notch more primitive; i am tethered to the wall by my laptop connected to the wall whilst attempting sleep with only a fan and its jarring blades. despite it's disdainful austerity, i'm totally digging it.

on another note, i am taking a much needed break tomorrow to the land down under. i'm praying they have no sluggish internet connection in that dingy service apartment my family folks and i paid for. i live for the internet and i expect broadband-equivalent speed nonetheless. 

so, it's officially early bedtime for me tonight. here's some photos of my chambers whilst aunt is snoozing away on my top-of-the-crop swiss-made crib.

i'm usually sprawled across this area.

my only consolation: the plasma flat-screen tv.

nice much?


Anonymous said...

such a sweet boy dp :)


tyc said...

oh man i hope nothing bad happens to you aunt. cancer is a serious illness. god bless her.

Anonymous said...

cuddle with u in ur living room =p

iruffcookiedough said...

(tw) i know right?

(tyc) yeah, she's all better now, and bless her soul that her health will only improve from now

(anon) ha, cuddling is a privilege i enjoy with my loved ones. =)

Anonymous said...

take good care of your aunt. she needs support.

~no name~

Unknown said...

This is cute. I hope you had a good time.