Thursday, February 5, 2009

the entry of minute spring cleaning

my aspiring lottery-striker of a friend gave me a tip on better sleep at night (or in the afternoons, if i'd like): shifting the position of the bed such that it points to a snooze-inducing orientation.

so it was with much ado, beneath the torrent of silent protestation, that we (my acquiescent maid fe and i) relocated my bed. unfortunately, i was too anxious dishing out instructions and speed-shifting that i completely forgot about the anchoring burden of the bed versus the weedy strength of just two people. the moving around of my furniture left the cemented floor embedded with trails of dents and cracks. we were practically scrapping the floor as we barely hoisted the dense bed above lift level.

more pillage was done at the end of the day

anyhows, disregarding that, i hope my sleeping pattern gets a turn for the better after all that hard bed work. here's a look-ey:

the bookshelf at the far end was where my bed was originally at 

my newly-minted bunk bearing ...

and what happens after i've slept in it.


fufu said...

the room is damn spacious, could really temporary rent part of it out to me.... *okok still not confirmed yet, the job*

Anonymous said...

wow, what a spacious i wish i had such a room :)

kOoKy pLuM said...

ur room looks hawt..

aww its ok the cracks and the dents give the room a certain charm and personailty i think.. it would look lived in..

i should stop rambling lol..


Z said...

nice and tidy!
I think it's rather spacious

Anonymous said...

Gosh...nice.... can i visit? =)


Anonymous said...

hope after all the hard works, you are able to sleep well every night. >.<

~no name~

Anonymous said...

Nice modern looking room Desmond!

Anonymous said...

walau got toilet somemore!

iruffcookiedough said...

(lcfu) your stay in singapore was so short, too bad we didn't get a chance to go for a nice photo shoot.

(chaos) you know right? the camera always makes everything bigger by 10%, so it's not really spacious as it looks in the picture.

(kp) it's beginning to resemble those run-down shophouses in chinatown area. i think my room needs a facelift!

iruffcookiedough said...

(z) wait till you see the rest of my room, that's where all the mess is!

(cad) my room is not that spectacular. you may be in for a disappointment if you were to see it in person. >.<

(no name) i sincerely hope so too, after all that hard work. but judging from what i am typing now in the wee hours, it seems its not working that well after all. well, hopefully it will turn out for the better after a while.

iruffcookiedough said...

(leo) i am looking forward to seeing your place this saturday!

(digital neknek) of course must have toilet mah, if not how to bathe and use the throne? hehe.

Popthemusicdrug said...

we miss your place! hehe

the new bed position calls for a new party !

Anonymous said...

u havent die?

iruffcookiedough said...

(ptmd) tot you're working? still can comment?

(anonymous) you and your cursed mouth, you should just shove it up your ass.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, may i know is ur bed leaning against the partition of the toilet as well??? if yes, then according to Fengshui it can be a taboo (according to my knowledge).... anyway i bet ur frd has advised u in all the right of luck..... oh yeah! dun create MESS and NOISE at the Northeast part of ur room since u CHONG Tai Sui this year.... ^_^

Rex said...

wah... nice room man~ i-shop white and so spacious too.. the light from ikea is cool! haha~ I broke mine last year... eeee...

Anonymous said...

that's a really big crack you have there!!!!

iruffcookiedough said...

(anonymous) the previous position of my bed was worse because the toilet was facing my bed and they said that wasn't exactly a fung-shui friendly postion. so now, at least it's against the toilet, it's not so bad. about the n-e thingy. i am a little confused, is it the bed head or the other end that shouldn't be facing NE?

(rex) hehe, mine's still intact, but doesn't work one. hehe. long time no see. where have you been?

(tyc) it's the flooring, not any other cracks, mind you. >.<

Anonymous said...

Oh! it is definitely BAD to have ur bed facing the toilet and from ur pic, i bet ur bed was previously placed under the window which is definitely BAd as well..... anyway since u r having better sleep after u have shifted ur bed then guess this position suits u better.... Regarding the NE thingy, just get a compass and search for the NE position in ur room (nothing got to do with ur bed) and ensure that portion does not contain anything like radio, tv or devices that create noise... cos the Tai Sui got to be in peace to ensure u r peaceful for the year..... Mess is definitely not tolerable by Tai Sui, so just keep the place as neat as possible.....

Anonymous said...

Since we are in the NE topic, let me give u some more tips then ^_^. I do not know if u r the YOUNGEST SON and if yes... do keep a lookout at the NE position of ur LIVING ROOM.... b'cos the NE position in the living room affects all youngest sons in the family and furthermore with that Tai Sui situated at NE this year, the more u have to ensure the peace and tidiness in this portion. :)

NE is known to be the EDUCATION sector of a HOUSE, since u r not studying then just treat this portion as ur Career advancement sector so i bet u should know how impt this sector can be... ^_^

Popthemusicdrug said...

yeah, being online is part of my job ah (:

kOoKy pLuM said...

well i think a crack gives ur room a certain unique beauty. sometimes a flaw makes sumthing beautiful. too perfect also not nice. but to each his own.

hmm i'm very confused at the feng shui bed positions... i guess tahts why we need fengshui masters.


Rex said...

long time no see =)
back to Malaysia play with my little monster niece, and accompany parent for a week. went to Malacca bla bla bla... then back to Singapore now to hunt for a job! how are you man? =)

Anonymous said...

I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you

Anonymous said...

If talk about Feng Shui, maybe you can try to always close the toilet’s door in your room. People believe there is dirty “Qi” (气) in the toilet and don’t let it come to your room. It has bad impact for your luck and health. Somehow the toilet is too close to your bed.

Btw, look like some1 miss u so much. >.<

~no name~

iruffcookiedough said...

(anon1) i am confused.. isn't my bed facing away from the toilet? because when i am sleeping, my face isn't looking at the toilet but away. likewise, when talking about the NE direction, does it mean where the head of my bed is at or where my bed i looking at?

so does it mean that i have to chill in the living room more too?

(ptmd) and music, and clubbing, and music, and clubbing. hehe.

(kp) that was not a crack you saw, it was more like a fissure.

iruffcookiedough said...

(anon2) you miss me? multiple times? aww.... that's so sweet of you. thanks!!! =]

(no name) usually my toilet door is closed unless during the day when i need to use it quite frequently.

Anonymous said...


yr previous position of bed was wrong as yr bed head beside toilet door. beside located yr bed, have u checked its facing east or west etc as per yr horoscope in 2009?


Anonymous said...


to determine yr bed faces north or n-e, firstly find out from yr room, which corner of yr room is in these directions by using compass loh, clear?


Anonymous said...

Guess there are too many anonymous thus i shall be PAT to prevent further confusion.

So sorry that i have caused you to be puzzled about this whole thing. Ok let me redo it again.

Oh! it is definitely BAD to have ur bed facing the toilet and from ur pic, i bet ur bed was previously placed under the window which is definitely BAd as well.....

- This is to tell u that the location of ur bed before u shifted to its new position is BAD cos it is facing the toilet plus located under the windows.

The New Location of ur Bed:
Sharing the partition with the toilet: BAD as well. But if u feel that u r having better sleep then just stick to it. ^_^

Quote 2:
likewise, when talking about the NE direction, does it mean where the head of my bed is at or where my bed i looking at?

- Erm.... I Am talking about the NE sector of ur room, not where the head of ur bed is at or where ur bed is looking at. To locate this area, u gotta get a compass and stand in the MIDDLE of ur room to search for the direction. Once u have located the NE direction, Just ensure this corner of ur room is free from noise and mess. This is not to provoke the Tai Sui of the Year.

Quote 3:
so does it mean that i have to chill in the living room more too?

- No u dun have to as u just gotta ensure the NE of ur living room ( meant for youngest son of the family) is free from Noise and Mess as well.... To locate the NE sector of the living room, likewise just use a compass to locate the sector by standing right in the centre of ur living room.

- Another advice: If your living room is located at the Southeast, Southwest or Northwest of the house (look at the floor map and u will know) then i would advise u to chill in there more often... cos these are the auspicious areas for year of OX. But if ur Living Room is located in the East or North then u might wanna spend lesser time there cos of the 3 Sha (in the East) and Wu Huang (in the North).

I hope i have done a better clarification this time round. ^_^

Pat ^_^

Anonymous said...

Guess there are too many anonymous thus i shall be PAT to prevent further confusion.

So sorry that i have caused you to be puzzled about this whole thing. Ok let me redo it again.

Oh! it is definitely BAD to have ur bed facing the toilet and from ur pic, i bet ur bed was previously placed under the window which is definitely BAd as well.....

- This is to tell u that the location of ur bed before u shifted to its new position is BAD cos it is facing the toilet plus located under the windows.

The New Location of ur Bed:
Sharing the partition with the toilet: BAD as well. But if u feel that u r having better sleep then just stick to it. ^_^

Quote 2:
likewise, when talking about the NE direction, does it mean where the head of my bed is at or where my bed i looking at?

- Erm.... I Am talking about the NE sector of ur room, not where the head of ur bed is at or where ur bed is looking at. To locate this area, u gotta get a compass and stand in the MIDDLE of ur room to search for the direction. Once u have located the NE direction, Just ensure this corner of ur room is free from noise and mess. This is not to provoke the Tai Sui of the Year.

Quote 3:
so does it mean that i have to chill in the living room more too?

- No u dun have to as u just gotta ensure the NE of ur living room ( meant for youngest son of the family) is free from Noise and Mess as well.... To locate the NE sector of the living room, likewise just use a compass to locate the sector by standing right in the centre of ur living room.

- Another advice: If your living room is located at the Southeast, Southwest or Northwest of the house (look at the floor map and u will know) then i would advise u to chill in there more often... cos these are the auspicious areas for year of OX. But if ur Living Room is located in the East or North then u might wanna spend lesser time there cos of the 3 Sha (in the East) and Wu Huang (in the North).

I hope i have done a better clarification this time round. ^_^

Pat ^_^

Anonymous said...

your bed looks very inviting, hottie... :D

iruffcookiedough said...

(km & pat) thanks for all the enlightening info about fengshui and placements. i think i've it pretty figured out. one thing is quite true, no matter how much it's predicted to be, as long as you feel that something is right, just go with the gut feel. =]

(anon) yeah, but it's reserved for only one person. >.<

Anonymous said...

GUess u have gotten ur right brain to work for u... and that is INSTINCT!!!! ^_^ yes! it is true that as long as a person feels that something is right and always believing he or she is lucky, he or she will be.... in astrology this is known as NIE SHANG.... ^_^

Pat ^_^

Anonymous said...

instead of all these feng shui what nots - why not change yr lifestyle a litle to gain back the 40 winks?

e.g of things NOT to do ard bedtime:
1. working out
2. watching tv

change yr workouts to mid days or morning la - that shd help a bit. if not, try the long, hot baths and when all else fail, there's the wank:).

fufu said...

ok promise will let you know earlier when i go down to sg the next time =)